Phonics at De Bohun
As a school, we teach synthetic phonics as the initial, and most important, approach to the teaching of reading. Our pupils learn to read and write effectively using the Read Write Inc. (RWI) Phonics Programme which is a systematic programme for the teaching of phonics, reading, spelling and writing. We want all pupils to begin their journey to read with confidence, develop a love of reading and apply their skills competently to writing.
We aim to ensure that all pupils:
- Decode letter-sound correspondences quickly and effortlessly, using their phonic knowledge and skills
- Read common exception words on sight
- Understand what they read
- Read aloud with fluency and expression
- Write confidently, with a strong focus on vocabulary and grammar
- Spell quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds in words
- Learn letter formation and handwriting skills.
The RWI programme is delivered to:
- Pupils in EYFS to Year 2 who are learning to read and write
- Any pupils in Years 3 and 4 who need to catch up rapidly
- Struggling readers in Years 5 and 6 follow Read Write Inc.
The RWI approach is taught considering the 5 Ps:
- Praise – Children learn quickly in a positive climate.
- Pace – A good pace is the key to each session to ensure all children are engaged and on task.
- Purpose – Every part of the lesson has a specific purpose.
- Passion – This is a very prescriptive programme. It is the energy, enthusiasm and passion that teachers put into the lesson that bring the teaching and learning to life!
- Participation – A strong feature of RWI lessons is partner work and the partners ‘teaching’ each other.
Early Years Foundation Stage
During the autumn and spring term, children in nursery spend their RWI time listening to, learning and joining in with carefully chosen stories, rhymes, poems and songs. They then use this to role-play together, develop vocabulary and build sentences orally and make up stories through planned talk experiences. Towards the end of the spring term, the focus of learning at this stage is to learn the initial letter sounds and introduce oral blending through ‘Fred Talk’ throughout the day. This will progress to letter sound blending and segmenting for writing by the end of the academic year.
Children in Reception are taught daily phonics lessons. In the first four weeks of Reception, the initial sounds (Set 1 Speed Sounds) are taught in class groups. After this period, children are individually assessed and grouped homogeneously according to their stage. Children receive daily phonics teaching in these groups using the structured speed sounds lesson plan.
Key Stage 1
Children in Key Stage 1 continue to be taught phonics in small homogeneous groups, depending on their stage not age. They have a daily RWI lessons lasting an hour. This lesson starts with a 10-minute speed sounds lesson which teaches oral blending, new speed sounds and revision of previous speed sounds, decoding words, reading common exception words, decoding ‘alien’ (pseudo) words, and spelling. Children then read and comprehend a book which is carefully matched to their phonic knowledge following a 3 day/5-day plan (depending on the stage). The learning in the remaining part of the session includes spelling, grammar, and other writing activities.
Children are assessed half termly and those who are at risk of falling behind the programme’s pace and expectations are identified early and additional 1:1 Fast Track Tutoring is put in place to ensure that these children keep up and don’t have to catch up. The effectiveness of these sessions and the impact on progress is regularly evaluated by the Reading Leader. All classrooms and teaching spaces across the school display the RWI Speed Sounds chart to support children with their reading and spelling.
Throughout the teaching of synthetic phonics, our aim is for children to become fluent and confident word readers by the end of KS1. With decoding taught as the prime approach to reading, pupils will become familiar with this strategy and have the confidence to work out unfamiliar words in any new texts they encounter even when they have come to the end of the Read Write Inc. Programme.
Read, Write Inc. Termly progression Chart 2022-2023
This document sets out the expected reading progression within Read, Write, Inc. lessons. These are the objectives that children at the expected level will be achieving throughout the year. Assessments indicate when children have gaps and then intervention can be put in place with the aim to keep that child in line with expectations.
How you can help your child at home:
- You can practice pronouncing sounds using the speed sound book your child brings home.
- Listen to your child read their RWI ‘Book Bag books’. These are changed weekly and will match the sounds your child would be learning in the classroom.
- Your child’s phonics group sets virtual classroom videos for your child to watch every week on Google classroom
Useful websites for Parents – RWI Phonics: a guide for parents -Video tutorials to support parents